The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek by Nikki ~ Product Education Director
A clean scalp is key to having healthy hair. But this can be tough to achieve if someone suffers from dandruff and something not often thought of, the natural aging process of the scalp. Dry or oily dandruff is obvious, you can see it and feel it. But natural aging of the skin creeps up on us slowly over time. We can see it on our faces via lines, wrinkles and dry skin.

Face vs scalp? But we don’t often think of this when it comes to the scalp. But the scalp is merely an extension of the skin on our face, so it is simultaneously aging too. Just like on the face, the skin cell turnover (known as exfoliation) slows on the scalp leaving a buildup. The result when left unchecked is shrinking hair follicles producing thinner, lack luster hair, losing the body and bounce of its younger days. The follicles suffocate and sometimes can shrink to the point of nonexistence and once the follicle is left dormant long enough, the hair will no longer continue to sprout from that follicle. Of course, this is not the only thing that stifles hair growth but needs to be addressed as one of the possible culprits.

Lift Off! Yes, exfoliation is one of the keys to rejuvenating the scalp similar to how antiaging products work on the face, revealing new fresh dewy skin. Also, a fresh clean scalp allows for better penetration of Philip’s scalp enhancing ingredients including proteins, moisture, antioxidants, pre and probiotics and more. We have a couple ways to approach exfoliation at Philip Pelusi.

USDA Certified Organic Sugar Cane Granules are one of the star ingredients in Philip’s Tela Probiotic Scalp Scrub. The sugar put the “scrub” in this amazing scalp enhancing product. Organic Sugar Cane Granules help to lift dead skin cells, dirt, debris from scalp and hair. They help create a cleaner, healthier scalp environment and help create a better deposit of nutritional scalp ingredients in the product such as the Tela Hair Immunity Complex containing Pre and Probiotics.

This product can be used as part of the entire Tela Life Force care routine, as it is part of in-salon The Tela Root to End Recovery Hair and Scalp Treatment and also as part of anyone’s Philip Pelusi product system. Stay tuned for Lift Off Part II!

The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek is a treasure trove of in-depth Philip Pelusi ingredient knowledge. To see all Chic Geeks, go to… Chic Geek (busystylist.com)