A Philip Pelusi Color Group Video starring Holly!

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Introducing a NEW Philip Pelusi Talent Gallery video starring Philip Pelusi Designer Holly @ RTM!

These amazing Designers dazzle their Guests and inspire everyone with their incredible talent, carrying on the Philip Pelusi legacy into an exciting future!  Roll out the red carpet and be on the lookout for a video showcasing more of these super talents right here on busystylist.com and archived on The Talent Gallery (busystylist.com)!

Philip Pelusi… Elevating the Beauty Profession for 56 Years and Beyond!

The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek ~ Proteins Part IV ~ The Science of Protein

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The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek by Nikki ~ Product Education Director

Philip and his team of chemists work with the scientific principle of substantivity when creating his world-renowned haircare products.  Substantivity, also known as like attracts like, simply means that Philip chooses the right type of proteins and make them the correct molecular size, so they will naturally be attracted to and want to cling to a damaged keratin site in the hair.  This results in smoother, healthier looking, easier to style, voluminous, shinier hair!

By literally saturating hair with these protein molecules, hair will absorb what it can, hold onto those molecules, and therefore operate more like a healthy hair strand, have more shine, hold color better and be more resilient to mechanical and heat damage.  And although this is not a permanent bond, when protein molecules are continually applied to the hair thru subsequent applications hair acts and performs like healthy hair on an on-going basis.

But as I said the molecular size is also critical.  The ingredient needs to be perfected for best penetration.  A protein ingredient can be on a label and actually in the bottle but unless it is made the correct molecular size, it’s just marketing fluff with no action in the hair.  The too-big protein molecule literally flows out of the bottle, past the hair and down the drain.  Hair cannot benefit from the ingredient because it cannot absorb it because it’s just too big. 

Instead we use an advanced scientific process called Micro Emulsion Technology to reduce the size of our proteins and all of our ingredients to get the deepest and longest lasting level of penetration in the hair.  This means real results.  So, hair not only feels better to the consumer but hair has long lasting results making hair stronger and performs noticeably better.

The product creation process involves getting the right protein sources treated with the right science and then create a great product recipe to meet the demands of today’s client.  And with getting a good value at the forefront of today’s consumer, we feel we are delivering it with this client of attention to detail and quality in our formulas.

Philip and his team of scientists are constantly perusing new and better ways to enhance the hair from the inside out.  We are not interested in temporary coatings but instead of real substantive hair strengthening thru proteins.  One of our revolutionary, the Hydro-Charged Pelusi Ceramide Complex, Patent Pending, is a plant-based protein complex that we now have in all of our shampoos, conditioners and specialty treatment styling products. 

Our mentality is to think of our formulas much in the same way Apply thinks of its IPhone.  We will never stop developing, improving and growing.

image source apple iphone14 pro and 14 pro max

The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek is a treasure trove of in-depth Philip Pelusi ingredient knowledge.  To see all Chic Geeks go to…

The Chic Geek – Busy Stylist

Magnificent Makeovers Created by Philip Pelusi Elite Colorist Nikki @ BS!

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Just click on The Talent Gallery (busystylist.com) to view all the incredible works of hair art created by our talented Philip Pelusi Designers!