Congratulations to the Team @ Siena:

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Congratulations to the Team @ Siena for finishing the IBBT Trend Contest with 581 IBBT Treatments!

Pictured is Shannon, Teresa, Shelli, Madelyn, and Halie, all of who placed in the Top 10 Designers.

Congrats to Madelyn, Shelli and Teresa who were 1, 2,and 3 in Designers.

A Big Congratulations to Madelyn @ Siena who finished in First Place with 125 Treatments! Incredible Job Madelyn! We are so proud of you!

Philip Pelusi Product Kickstart Video ~ P2 Pure Blueberry Cleanser

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Need a product refresher?  How about a product education confidence builder?  Kickstart your Philip Pelusi product knowhow with this 2 min video!

For more individual product videos go to NEW Tela Product Library ( and NEW P2 Product Library (

For product education by texture grouping go to Tela Virtual Product Classes ( and P2 Virtual Product Classes (

A Philip Pelusi “Did You Know?” ~ Timeless in Paris

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The term “Chiaroscuro” (pronounced kee·aa·ruh·skyur·ow) is an Italian term referring to the use of light and dark shadowing in a painting or photo.  This is reflected in the composition and lighting in every aspect of this Philip Pelusi original design, from photo, hair color, even the clothing.  Philip played with shadows and light to complement the design as this model was actually sitting off stage waiting to go down the runway in Paris!  Thus, the theme Somewhere in Paris!

The hair and image were created in 1985 for the French magazine Coiffure de Paris and was shown locally too on The Pittsburgh Today Show on CBS.  Mind blowing fact…remember this image was created in 1985 so none of Philip’s photography was ever altered.  There was no retouching or Photoshop or apps (weren’t invented yet) used to enhance or alter the photo, hair, makeup, or clothing, everything in every image is all real!  Kinda wild when you think about it.

Behind the Scenes:  Hair Crafting Hair, photo styling and photograph by Philip Pelusi

Clothes: Max Alto

Philip Pelusi Products: La Crème Shampoo and Conditioner, for blowout styling P2 Fixative and P2 Soft Wax, P2 Fluid Spray for detailing and P2 Industrial to finish 

Did You Know? are fun facts and photos about how Philip got started in the industry, his salon journey, the history of his products, with more adventures on the horizon!  See ALL Did You Know? on Did You Know? – Busy Stylist

Philip Pelusi Product Kickstart Video ~ P2 Lite Leave-In Conditioner!

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Need a product refresher?  How about a product education confidence builder?  Kickstart your Philip Pelusi product knowhow with this 2 min video!

For more individual product videos go to NEW Tela Product Library ( and NEW P2 Product Library (

For product education by texture grouping go to Tela Virtual Product Classes ( and P2 Virtual Product Classes (