Hot Off The Presses!  Philip Pelusi gets International Coverage!

Posted on Posted in Philip Pelusi Gets Happi!

A Healthy Scalp & The Return of Natural Hairstyles for Spring 2024 star in our record setting 74th article in the prestigious international publication Happi, written by Philip Pelusi Product Education Director Nikki with leadership of Founder and CEO Philip Pelusi!

Titled “A Healthy Hair Mind Shift and a Return to Natural Looking Easy-care Hair for Spring 2024” we are honored that Happi Editor Melissa M. tapped us for this exclusive Spring 2024 hair and ingredient trend prediction article!

MORE REALLY BIG NEWS!  Featured in the article are 2 gorgeous bob styles perfectly reflecting the trends for this season and created by Philip Pelusi and Creative Director Jeffrey!  Photo and Lighting by Philip Pelusi.

Read internationally by Stylists, Salon Owners, Product Manufacturers, Chemists, and you!  Just click here to read…

A Healthy Scalp & The Return Of Natural Hairstyles For Spring 2024 | HAPPI

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