Elite Advance Booking is the process of advance booking your Guests for at least 12 Months forward. In order to maximize our time and productivity, we can no longer simply focus on only advance booking our Guest’s next appointment.
Elite Advance Booking has become one of the most important skills a Designer needs to learn to master. It affects every aspect of what success looks like for professionals in the Beauty Industry. It effects your daily booking, your income & tips, your number of Guests needed to meet your desired working schedule and your overall satisfaction with your chosen career.
Newer Designers need to acquire the skill early in their careers in effort to train their Guests in the right booking procedures from day one. Experienced Designers need to learn how to retrain their Guests to the need to book their appointments in advance for 12 months or more.
Watch as Julie, Lead Visionary, Personal Career Coaching Programs talks with Alex, Artistic Elite Designer from Blue Spruce Murrysville, about her transitioning her Guests to the Elite Advance Booking Process.
The Elite Advanced Booking Educational

The Economics of Elite Advance Booking