by Nikki ~ Product Education Director
Tela Magic Transformative Ingredient ~ Hydroxypropyl Gluconamide
Philip added some big tech to Tela Magic! This is where science meets nature, enabling us to significantly improve the internal structure of the hair and do what we believe also meets today’s marketplace needs by combining technology into a product with over-the-top organic cache.

Next, he added the patented chemistry of Hydroxypropyl Gluconamide to Tela Magic. This natural origin bond multiplier strengthens damaged hair fiber three times more than untreated hair.

As we know, damaged hair has compromised or broken bonds and links. Hydroxypropyl Gluconamide rejuvenates damaged hair back to the levels of virgin hair working deep into the cortex to create new hydrogen and ionic bonds. Helping hair look, feel, and perform like healthy virgin hair. The cherry on top of this incredible ingredient is that it has a good sustainability footprint.

This image shows the cross section of several hair strands before and after they have been treated. The “after” image shows the intense penetration of this ingredient into the hair fiber, evidenced by an almost 100% penetration level.
For more Tela MAGIC product education go to:
Read all the Tela Magic Chic Geeks https://www.busystylist.com/category/chicgeek/
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