A Philip Pelusi “Did You Know?” ~ The Birth of Volumetric™

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“I didn’t invent the haircut, I just made it better.” ~ Philip Pelusi

In 1972 Philip created his trademarked Volumetric™ The Pelusi Method Haircutting System.  Born out of his natural instinct for hair shape, texture and design, his Volumetric™ The Pelusi Method Haircutting System is a unique and consistent method of cutting, benefiting both the stylist and the guest. 

“I created this organic cutting system to take into consideration texture, density, growth patterns, fall lines, and the shape of the head.  Through this cutting system, we create a custom cut for every client,” says Philip.

The Volumetric™ The Pelusi Method Haircutting System is a blueprint for successful training for on-boarding New Talent at Philip Pelusi.  Philip shares, “Our extensive training program gives stylists a vast array of creative techniques to create any haircut our clients request.  And their training in continual throughout their entire career with us.”

Philip has taught his system around the globe and most importantly here within his Philip Pelusi salons.

In 1984 Philip was honored as “Top Designer of the World” by Lo Zeffiro and in 1988 he launched and lead The International Volumetric Haircutting Tour into Asia and Canada.  And in 2005 Style Magazine declared Philip one of the “Top 5 Hair Cutters” in the world!

Fast forward to 2022, the timeless techniques of the Volumetric™ The Pelusi Method Haircutting System helped build a powerhouse team of incredible New Talent and will long into the future!  Get into the Volumetric time machine with these never seen images of Philip in cutting action…

Did You Know? are fun facts and photos about how Philip got started in the industry, his salon journey, the history of his products, with more adventures on the horizon!  See ALL Did You Know? on Did You Know? – Busy Stylist

A Philip Pelusi “Did You Know?” ~ Philip The Photographer

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It all started organically, Philip simply wanted to take photos of his and his Designer’s work.  The outcome was a burgeoning photographer, himself!  Shooting an amazing 50,000 photographic images starting in 1965 usually from 2 cameras, one color and the other black/white film.  Sometimes shooting 1,000 images in one day!

He saw photography as a way to not only immortalize the work he and his team created, but also an avenue for more creative expression for his team.  Hair, makeup, photo styling, the works!  Teams working side by side creating their vision.

These photos also served as an original source for TV, billboard, and print ads as well as artistic décor for the salons and The Philip Pelusi Center for Talent Development.  Most images were photographed in the Talent Center but also in NYC, Italy, Japan and beyond!

Today, this photo passion is still going strong with the new Philip Pelusi Beauty School Collaborative Photoshoot Events!  And will live long into the future with his Designer’s snapping their own pics and sharing them to an even wider audience through social media.  Can we say Philip started the original Instagram?!?!

Did You Know? are fun facts and photos about how Philip got started in the industry, his salon journey, the history of his products, with more adventures on the horizon!  See ALL Did You Know? on Did You Know? – Busy Stylist

Trend Alert ~ The Mixie Part 2

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The Mixie Part 2 ~ by Nikki ~ Product Education Director

The “it” haircut for 2022 is the high fashion Mixie worn here by actress Florence Pugh.

image source harpers bazaar florence pugh jcrew ad

The timeless essence of The Pelusi Volumetric Method and Design!  This edgy Mixie look is also shown here in a timeless Philip Pelusi design…

The Mixie needs to be customized for face shape and texture so be sure to enlist a Stylist trained in the art of Volumetric™ The Pelusi Method haircutting system. 

Limitless, timeless, Philip invented this organic cutting system to create a custom cut for every client, taking into consideration texture, density, growth patterns, fall lines and the shape of the head.

Volumetric Haircut by Philip Pelusi and Jeffrey Reitz

Hair Color by Lisa Krszal, Director of Talent Acquisition and Daniel, Artistic Elite Designer @ SH

Styling/Assistants Lisa Krszal and Jeffrey Reitz

Photographed by Philip Pelusi

Philip, Lisa and Jeffrey

To see all Philip Pelusi Trend Alerts go to Trend Alerts (busystylist.com)