Suds in a Bottle?!

The Chic Geek by Nikki B. ~ Product Education Director
What does the guest think shampoo is for? TV commercials, social media and of course the mere suds in their hair understandably make the guest think shampoo is just for cleansing the hair! But this narrow vision of shampoo, specifically Philip Pelusi shampoos, also creates a narrow or lesser value for those products. Perhaps in their minds, spending approximately $30 for shampoo to just clean their hair just doesn’t seem worth it.
So how do we broaden their view? We make shampooing the guest come to life by verbally and tangibly explaining the real value of these products. We educate the guest about what problems the shampoo and conditioner will help solve and the benefits they have on their hair. Afterall, we are not selling suds, a.k.a. liquid dish soap or laundry detergent!

Bring the guest into the product. When the guest is being shampooed their eyes are pointed at the ceiling and cannot see or feel the product or even see any results such as with styling products which are instant gratification! Show and tell the guest what you are using and why. Explain that the shampoo you are recommending (and applying) of course gently cleanses their hair and scalp, but these products really are the first “styling” product used on the hair.

Shampoo and conditioner, improve the texture, help protect from color fading, add conditioning elements and literally prepare the hair fabric. Let them know that the shampoo and conditioner they use will either set them up for styling success or they won’t. It is all part of the plan and the process to get the style they want!

It’s a simple equation… Volumetric Haircut + Services + Products + Styling Lesson = the guest’s desired style! And YOU the Philip Pelusi Designer make it happen!
The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek is a treasure trove of in-depth Philip Pelusi ingredient knowledge. To see all Chic Geeks go to… The Chic Geek – Busy Stylist