A “Thank You” from John A. at Blue Spruce for 30 Year Celebration

Hello Everyone,
We are looking for Guest Services or Designers (able to run the desk) willing to help out at our Siena Salon in the following dates and shifts.
Wednesday 8/31: 4-9
Wednesday 9/7: 4-9
Wednesday 9/14: 4-9
Saturday 9/17: 12-5
Saturday 9/24: 12-5
Wednesday 9/28: 3-9
Saturday 10/1: 12-5
If anyone is willing to help us out, please let me know ASAP.
Thank you,
Having every New Talent attend every product class is a standard of excellence at Philip Pelusi. This is why New Talent viewing each busystylist.com Virtual Product Class video is mandatory and paid time. It’s a well worth investment in New Talent success at Philip Pelusi.
Salon Leaders, please print the New Talent Virtual Product Class Checklist for each New Talent (located here as a PDF and in the Shared Forms folder too) and print each class Study Guide for each New Talent (located under each video).
Next, have New Talent view each 8 – 10 minute Virtual Product Class Video located on Tela Virtual Product Classes (busystylist.com) and P2 Virtual Product Classes (busystylist.com) then fill out this Checklist as each class is completed and retain for your records
Please have New Talent view each class within their first 1 – 3 months of employment depending on New Talent and Salon scheduling. They can start learning on day 1! These classes should be viewed on uptime and on times scheduled by the Salon Leader.
Salon Leaders should keep track of their Virtual Product Class attendance just as they do when New Talent attend classes at The Philip Pelusi Center for Talent Development.
Each New Talent must also attend the Philip Pelusi Product Demo Class at the PPCFTD announced via the training calendar, the next scheduled for Monday September 26th from 12 – 2:30. That class can be attended starting on day 1 as well.
A big Congratulations to Shannon and Katie at the Westmoreland Salon for leading the way by increasing their Specialized Pricing.
Hello Philip Pelusi Talent! Are you new to Philip Pelusi? Or just wondering what busystylist.com is all about? Check out this fun, upbeat, image filled video with all the scoop about this information mecca for everything Philip Pelusi! View it and get busy today!
This Guest comment on social media after spending time with Nikki from Blue Spruce perfectly states the pose we have to affect peoples lives through conversation and great hair!