Happenings at the PPCTD:

The Chic Geek is a totally unique on-going column on The Chic Geek (busystylist.com) where we do a deep dive on every Philip Pelusi formula and ingredient!
Chic, because every Philip Pelusi product and ingredient leads to beautiful, healthy, luxurious looking hair that you as our talented Philip Pelusi Designers create every day! Great science makes for beautiful hair!
Geek, because these articles reveal the powerful science behind every product formula and ingredient Philip creates! Interesting, informative and powerful! Great information to share with guests as you will learn about their incredible creation process and what they can do to transform the hair!
These short, fun articles, penned by our Product Education Director Nikki, give you the knowledge and confidence to speak easily about everything in the Philip Pelusi product realm.
Located right here on The Chic Geek (busystylist.com), scroll through the hundreds of articles on up time and in between guests as time allows. So, get your Chic Geek on starting today!
Titled “Hairstyling Products Grow with Volumizers, Bond Builders & Textured Hair Formulas”, we are honored and excited to be featured in the Spring styling article written by a Senior Editor at Happi! Check it out!!
Happi.com is the prestigious hair care and skin care publication read by Stylists, Salon Owners, Product Manufacturers, Chemists, and you! Just click here to read…
Hairstyling Products Grow With Volumizers, Bond Builders & Textured Hair Formulas | HAPPI
Philip actually creates each and every Philip Pelusi haircare formula sold in our salons. So, having all New Talent attend every product class is a standard of excellence at Philip Pelusi and is a well-worth investment of mandatory and paid time.
Today, Philip Pelusi Product Education takes place on www.busystylist.com and at The Philip Pelusi Center for Talent Development!
1st On www.busystylist.com by viewing each P2 & Tela Virtual Product Class video…
Salon Leaders, for each New Talent, print the New Talent Virtual Product Class Checklist (Shared Forms) and each class Study Guide (under each video).
Have New Talent view each approx. 10 minute Virtual Product Class Video on Tela Virtual Product Classes (busystylist.com) and P2 Virtual Product Classes (busystylist.com) then fill in this Checklist and retain for your records within the first 1 – 3 months of employment depending on New Talent and Salon scheduling.
New Talent can start learning on day 1! View classes on uptime and on times scheduled by the Salon Leader.
Salon Leaders should track Virtual Product Class attendance just as when New Talent attend classes at The Philip Pelusi Center for Talent Development.
2nd At the Philip Pelusi Center for Talent Development…
Each New Talent must also attend the Philip Pelusi Product Demo Class at the PPCFTD announced via the training calendar. Taught with our amazing team of Philip Pelusi Product Specialists, the next is scheduled for Monday March 13 from 10:30 – 1:00. This class can be attended starting on day 1 as well. Watch the recent class video here!
Last night the PPCTD held the “Chic to Sleek” Pelusi Method Haircutting Class hosted by Artistic Elite Trainers Christy and Regina. This is one is a series of our evening Pelusi Method series of classes.
Congratulations to the following Designers who took part in the class:
Just click on The Talent Gallery (busystylist.com) to view all the incredible works of hair art created by our talented Philip Pelusi Designers!