Recognize this young fellow? Yep, that’s Philip Pelusi circa 1966 teaching one of his 1st classes! Invited to PBA (Pittsburgh Beauty Academy), he, along with Designer Ana Marie, did a big classroom training that was the beginning of Volumetric® The Pelusi Method Haircutting Training as well as sculpting hair shapes & hair crafting techniques.

Philip shares… “This was one of the first classes I ever did. We were teaching haircutting, the very start of Volumetric Training plus we taught how to create shapes with fake hair. Plus we used long hair that we saved from major haircuts we did in the salon then made hairpieces with them. The students were really into it. This was of course was before fake hair and wigs were mass produced since this was around 1966.”

Here he is with his first salon team pictured with Ana Marie plus 2 updos from that time!

BuZZworthy is fun facts and photos about how Philip got started in the industry, his salon journey, the history of his products, with more adventures on the horizon! See ALL BuZZworthy on BuZZworthy (busystylist.com)