Step aside Starbucks! Make way for Philip Pelusi’s Coffee Cuts Collection circa the 1990’s! So just on the heels of the big coffee house sensation of the 90’s, Philip and his Design Team came up with this incredible collection of coffee-esque haircuts, hair color, and makeup.

Mocha, cappuccino, latte, espresso, caramel macchiato and more! All with incredible styling and wardrobe looks to round out the collection. Plus the models wore HANDMADE FUR WRAPS CREATED BY JEFFREY R!

So, move over baristas here comes The Philip Pelusi Design Team to add some brew to your do! Check out these incredible images and looks from the photoshoot…

Photos and lighting by Philip Pelusi
Haircut Designs created with The Volumetric Pelusi Method
Hair by Philip Pelusi, Jeffrey R and Sam C
Hair Color by Sam C
Photo-styling by Philip Pelusi and Jeffrey R
Makeup by Nikki B, Joe M at SL, and The Philip Pelusi Makeup Team
Handmade fur wraps created by Jeffrey R

BuZZworthy is fun facts and photos about how Philip got started in the industry, his salon journey, the history of his products, with more adventures on the horizon! See ALL BuZZworthy on BuZZworthy (busystylist.com)