Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Blondie, and Philip’s rockin’ model photo spread created in the 80’s! With an edgy Volumetric The Pelusi Method Haircut, slicked back styling, double processed hair, and totally 80’s garb, these images make us want to sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Philip shares, “The photos were taken at the old Iron City Brewery on the South Side in 1986. Today’s it’s known as the building that has a big clock on it located around 21st and Sara St. It was a collaboration between myself and Curtis Reeves an Artist for a project he was doing.”

Behind The Scenes…
Photo and Lighting by Philip Pelusi
Volumetric Haircut and Hair Color by Philip Pelusi
Shoot Concept by Curtis Reeves and Philip Pelusi
Philip Pelusi Products ~ P2 Divercity Shampoo (now P2 Moisturesheen), P2 Xtreme, P2 Moisturizing Conditioner (now P2 Moisturesheen), P2 Power Gel

BuZZworthy is fun facts and photos about how Philip got started in the industry, his salon journey, the history of his products, with more adventures on the horizon! See ALL BuZZworthy on BuZZworthy (busystylist.com)