We were both shocked and thrilled to see Happi Magazine blessed us with an amazing surprise article about our Philip Pelusi Talent Gallery Videos! They even mentioned the video just posted for Rising Star Designer Molli at Green Gate! And they made this announcement via their daily email blast announcement that goes to hundreds of thousands of subscribers around the world.
Titled “Philip Pelusi Expands Talent Gallery for Haircare Business” they write, “A new Philip Pelusi Talent Gallery Video just posted for designer Molli at Green Gate. Philip Pelusi Talent Gallery Videos are posted on the company website, The Talent Gallery (busystylist.com), the Philip Pelusi Facebook page and shown on the Salon TV monitors, commissioned by Pelusi. Plus, the company sends an original download to the designer for their own social media use.”

WOW! Be sure to check it out and be part of this exciting movement! ALL ARE WELCOME! Meaning we want to create a video highlighting every Philip Pelusi Artistic Elite, Elite Colorist, and all outstanding Philip Pelusi Designers as all are part of The Philip Pelusi Color Group and New Talent too!
How? Just reach out to Product Education Director, Nikki via the Philip Pelusi salon email for any questions on the super easy process!
Happi.com is the prestigious global hair care and skin care publication read by Stylists, Salon Owners, Product Manufacturers, Chemists, and you! Just click here to read…
Philip Pelusi Expands Talent Gallery For Haircare Business | HAPPI
To see more Philip Pelusi articles published on Happi.com click on Philip Pelusi Gets Happi! (busystylist.com)