Normally we think of the words protection and preservation when it comes to the skin. But Philip thinks about both the scalp and hair, protecting their strength, integrity and hair color as well!

This is one of the reasons Philip created his Tela Beauty Organics by Philip Pelusi Tela Healer and Guardian Angel. Think of Tela Healer as a light weight leave-in deep conditioner for the hair and scalp. While Tela Guardian Angel hydrates and helps protect from UV damage.
Need a refresher on these two wonder products? View these 2 short educational videos and start incorporating Tela Healer and Tela Guardian Angel into your Guest product recommendations!
Tela Beauty Organics by Philip Pelusi Healer
Tela Beauty Organics by Philip Pelusi Guardian Angel
For more individual product videos go to NEW Tela Product Library (busystylist.com) and NEW P2 Product Library (busystylist.com)
For product education by texture grouping go to Tela Virtual Product Classes (busystylist.com) and P2 Virtual Product Classes (busystylist.com)