You should have received the Malibu C DDL product in your orders by now.
I have included the instructional fact sheet via link at the bottom of this post.
The advantage to this product is that it is less damaging to the hair than bleach and usually far more efficient at removing direct dye.
Please note that the product can be mixed with water for a more gentler lifting action.
If the product is mixed with 10 or 20 volume developer, be sure to put the product only on the hair that has direct dye you wish to remove.
This product works through an oxidation process designed for direct dyes. However, it may lift natural pigment and hair that has been previously colored with oxidative haircolor if left on for a sufficient time period or through repeated applications.
So always be sure to place the product only where you have direct dye you wish to remove.
Any questions, please let me know