Philip Pelusi Micro Class ~ Organically Cleanse and Condition to Beautiful Hair!

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Organic beauty products are highly sought after in today’s marketplace, especially when it comes to shampoos and conditioners.  Tela Beauty Organics Shampoos and Conditioners are up for the task!  They have the highest concentration levels with 90 – 100% ingredient concentration and just 10 – 20% base blend ingredients, which is true for both Tela and P2 products. 

Tela Shampoos and Conditioners have a totally unique, multitasking base blend of 100% USDA Certified Organic White, Green and Oolong Tea.  Plus numerous USDA Certified Organic ingredients that benefit the hair and scalp.  Tela’s organic ingredients work as gentle cleansing agents, strengtheners, moisturizers, antioxidants, color protectors, and more! 

Get in on all the organic ingredients and all the many incredible benefits to the hair and scalp in these 4 short educational videos about the Tela Shampoos and Conditioners …

Tela Volume Shampoo & Conditioner

Tela Curly Shampoo & Conditioner

Tela Balance Shampoo & Conditioner

Tela Color Guard Shampoo & Conditioner

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