The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek ~ Incredible Ingredient: Tela Trio Tea Blend

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by Nikki B ~ Product Education Director

Today, many consumers believe drinking tea helps enhance their health.  Everything from fighting free radicals, aiding digestion, calming anxiety, boosting energy and helping provide a good night sleep are just a few of the possible benefits.  But did you know that tea can also be extremely beneficial to the hair and scalp?

image source medicalnewstoday

Most haircare product formulas on the market contain about 80% water and only 20% ingredient concentration.  While Philip Pelusi products contain 80 – 100% active ingredient concentration and only 10 – 20% base blend ingredients! 

Yep, that’s right, there is zero water in just about every Philip Pelusi formulation and instead an active ingredient base blend takes its place.  This means this base blend not only serves as the formula’s mixing base but also benefits and enhances the hair and scalp.  In addition, this gives Philip Pelusi products the great reputation as having the highest concentration levels in the industry.

One of these incredible base blends is in the Tela Beauty Organics by Philip Pelusi products.  This zero-water product line is instead based in the three most powerful antioxidants teas, White, Green, and Oolong.  This highly concentrated tea infusion takes the place of water in the Tela formulas.

image source green tea thehealthy

So how does this amazing base blend benefit the hair and scalp?  Well, first the consumer is not wasting money on water.  Philip’s formulas are not watered down like most products on the market.  This means more beneficial ingredients in each bottle and this means better results on the hair. 

image source white tea medicaldaily

Also, Philip’s proprietary Tela White, Green and Oolong Tea blend has supercharged antioxidant power helping protect both hair color and the strength and moisture retention of the hair and scalp against environmental toxins, known as free radical pollutants, as well as helping prevent oxidation caused by the color and chemical service exposure.

Oolong Tea image source Healthline

And lastly, as with every Philip Pelusi ingredient, this superhero antioxidant White, Green and Oolong Tea blend is also enhanced by Micro Emulsion Technology.  Meaning these tea molecules are perfected to be small enough to penetrate hair fiber to get real results. 

image source canvapro

Other products on the market, can claim their products contain a certain ingredient but if it is not manufactured with Micro Emulsion Technology it can never penetrate the hair meaning it’s just a fancy marketing claim with zero results.  That’s just not how we do things at Philip Pelusi!

image source canvapro

The Philip Pelusi Chic Geek is a treasure trove of in-depth Philip Pelusi ingredient knowledge.  To see all Chic Geeks, go to…  Chic Geek (

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